What is a DOT physical? 

What will make you fail a DOT physical? 

Get the answers to these and other popular DOT physical questions so you can prepare for yours.

If you want to drive large commercial vehicles for a living you’ll need a CDL (commercial driver’s license) and a valid DOT medical card. This card can only be obtained once you have successfully passed a DOT physical, which you’ll need to have again every 1-2 years for the duration of your career.

Finally, A Better Way to Manage DOT Physicals 
While the process of getting your DOT physical and medical card is straightforward, many people feel confused about the requirements they have to meet to pass. Below, we’ll talk you through each aspect of the physical, what standard you need to meet to pass, and links to further resources where you can find out more about the requirements for each element of the DOT medical exam.

What is a DOT physical?
The DOT (Department of Transportation) physical is a medical examination you must undergo before being permitted to drive commercial vehicles for a living. This physical ensures you are fit enough to meet the demands of your job and can operate large vehicles or vehicles with passengers without putting yourself or anyone else at risk.

Do I need a DOT physical?
You are required to have a DOT physical exam if:

You transport hazardous materials You operate a vehicle that carries more than 15 people You are paid to operate a vehicle that carries more than 8 people You operate a vehicle with a gross combined weight of more than 10,000lbs

What does the physical exam consist of?

The DOT exam will include the following:

Physical examination - The doctor will check your eyes, ears, mouth, throat, heart, lungs, abdomen, spine, extremities, and neurological system for signs of any potential problems, impairments, or injuries. Vision test - While you don't need perfect 20/20 vision to pass a DOT physical, you will need to have a minimum 20/40 visual acuity in both of your eyes, even with contact lenses or glasses. You will also need a minimum peripheral vision of 70" in both of your eyes. Hearing test - You must be able to hear a "forced whisper" from five feet away, with or without hearing aids. Blood pressure check - Many people wonder, "Can you pass a DOT physical with high blood pressure?" The answer is yes, but only if it is below a certain limit. You can find out the current limitations in this Foley blog article. Urine test - While many assume the urine test in a DOT physical is a drug test, it doesn't check for drug use. The DOT physical urine test is simply to look for underlying conditions, such as diabetes. Sleep apnea test - If you report having symptoms such as drowsiness during the day, headaches in the morning, gasping while sleeping, or heavy snoring, you may need to undergo a sleep apnea test.
As well as a range of other health indicators that can indicate that there is a problem that may put you at risk while operating a commercial vehicle.

How do I prepare for a DOT physical?
If you’re fit and in good health, there’s very little you need to do to prepare. The DOT exam is simply a check-up by a doctor to ensure you are fit enough to operate such a large vehicle.

If you’re overweight, are recovering from a bigger health issue, or are having a serious health issue managed by a doctor, you may want to make additional preparations. Whether or not you need to make any changes before your CDL DOT physical or bring anything with you will depend on your circumstances and current level of health.

If you are currently managing any health issues, make sure your prescriptions and medications are up to date, you’ve recently had a vision test and have the right corrective eyewear, and the same for your hearing if you suffer from hearing loss.

It’s good practice for anyone getting ready for their DOT physical to cut back on processed foods, alcohol, and smoking to ensure they’re in good health at the time of their physical.NEW CSA Score Webinar - Reserve Your Spot Now!

What do I need to bring?
You need to bring:

Your medical records, if your exam is being carried out by a new doctor Medical records from any specialists you see, such as a sleep apnea specialist Your most recent laboratory reports if you have diabetes or a similar condition Your glasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids if you require them to drive A list of any prescription medication you take, including what dose you take and when
You may also want to bring the DOT physical medical examination report form with you so you can fill it out ahead of time at home. You can find that form here and in the forms section at the end of this article.

What are the DOT physical requirements?
Vision Requirements
To pass the vision test, you need to have 20/40 vision in each eye either with or without glasses, a field of vision of 70 degrees or more in each eye, and be able to differentiate between red, green, and amber.

If you do not meet these standards but meet all other standards of the DOT Physical, you may be able to apply for an exemption.

To find out more about the DOT physical eye exam, see our guide here. 

Hearing Requirements
To pass your hearing test, you must be able to hear a harsh whisper in your best ear, at no less than 5 feet, with or without a hearing aid. If you fail this basic hearing test, you’ll be referred for an audiometry test which will further determine if you are safe to drive.

In most cases, you’ll be able to get a hearing correction device and then pass your DOT physical. If you need a hearing aid, you must wear it at all times while driving.

You’ll only fail the hearing test if you are completely deaf and cannot pass the whisper test even with hearing aids.

Blood Pressure Requirements
High blood pressure is an extremely common health problem, and the DOT medical exam uses it as a key health indicator.

If your blood pressure is 140/90 or below, you’ll pass the DOT physical blood pressure requirements with flying colors. Between 140/90 and 179/109, you may need to have a medical exam more frequently or be given a temporary medical card and be asked to reduce your blood pressure within a 3-month period.

What medical conditions can impact your ability to pass a DOT physical?
There are a handful of health issues that are DOT physical disqualifying conditions, meaning that if they are out of control or too severe for you to operate a large commercial vehicle safely, you will not be able to pass the DOT physical.

These conditions are:

Diabetes Hernias High BMI (Obesity) Sleep Apnea
Find out more about how to pass the DOT physical with a medical condition here, or click the links above to learn more about the individual conditions and their physical requirements.

What do they do in a DOT physical?
Your medical examiner will first talk through your medical history with you and any ongoing treatment you have. They’ll then take your height and weight, so they can calculate your BMI, and check your blood pressure, vision, and hearing.

They’ll do a general assessment of your physical health, look at your skin, check your reflexes, and examine you for hernias.

You’ll also submit a urine sample that will be analyzed to calculate your blood sugar levels and a few other health markers.

In most cases, the DOT exam will end there and you’ll get your medical certificate. However, if your medical examiner found something they believe warrants further testing, or if the requirements of the physical demand it, you may be referred on for another test before you can get your certificate.

How much does a DOT physical cost?
The DOT physical price varies depending on where you get it, and if you are fronting the cost, or if the company you work for will cover part or all of the cost. 

We value our hard working CDL drivers and have set our fee lower than our local competitors at $100

Do DOT physicals include a drug test?
The DOT physical does not specifically test for drugs. The urine sample you give as a part of your DOT physical checks your blood sugar levels. Some employers will require you to submit a urine sample for a DOT drug test, but the DOT physical itself will not look for legal or illegal substances.

What will make you fail a DOT physical?
If you have extremely high blood pressure, high blood sugar, an untreated hernia, or uncorrected vision or hearing, you may fail the DOT physical.

What happens if you fail the DOT physical?
Failing your medical exam is never good news, but it’s also rarely the end of your driving career. In most cases, failing your physical simply means you need to make some lifestyle changes and improve your health so you can safely get back on the open road.

Remember that the DOT physical isn’t trying to catch you out – it looks at your overall well-being and considers if you may have a major health episode in the near future that would jeopardize the safety of yourself and others. If you fail a DOT physical, work with your doctor to get your health back on track so you can get back on the road.

Where can I find the DOT physical forms?
You need to fill out a medical examination report before or when you start your physical.

Generally, the DOT physical is straightforward and nothing to worry about. The medical examiner merely needs to ensure you are fit and healthy enough to operate a large commercial vehicle. We have plenty of information for each medical condition and how they affect your ability to pass the DOT physical, so if you have any concerns, make sure you read those guides to put your mind at ease. 


image of three women smiling
A combination of chiropractic, trigger point therapy, and lifestyle changes has proven to be very effective in decreasing the severity and duration of the physical pain of fibromyalgia.

The word fibromyalgia comes from the Latin term for fibrous tissue (fibro) and the Greek ones for muscle (myo) and pain (algia). Fibromyalgia syndrome is chronic disorder which includes widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points that affects 3-6 million people in the United States. For reasons that are unclear, more than 90 percent of those who develop fibromyalgia are women. It is not currently known whether the predominance of women who suffer from fibromyalgia is a phenomenon of the socialization of women in the American culture or whether it is some combination of the female reproductive hormones and other genetic predispositions.

According to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), fibromyalgia is defined as a history of pain in all four quadrants of the body lasting more than three months. Pain in all four quadrants means that you have pain in both your right and left sides, as well as above and below the waist. The ACR also described 18 characteristic tender points on the body that are associated with fibromyalgia. In order to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a person must have 11 or more tender points. In addition to pain and fatigue, people who have fibromyalgia may experience:

  • sleep disturbances
  • morning stiffness
  • headaches
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • painful menstrual periods
  • numbness or tingling of the extremities
  • restless legs syndrome
  • temperature sensitivity
  • cognitive and memory problems (sometimes referred to as "fibro fog")

Fibromyalgia is often confused with another condition called "myofascial pain syndrome" or "myofascitis." Both fibromyalgia and myofascitis can cause pain in all four quadrants of the body and tend to have similar tender point locations, but the two conditions are worlds apart. Myofascitis is an inflammatory condition due to overuse or injury to your muscles, whereas fibromyalgia is caused by a stress-induced change in metabolism and healing. Myofascitis tend to come on rather suddenly and is usually associated with a particular activity or injury, true fibromyalgia has a slow, insidious onset, usually beginning in early adulthood. It is very important to diagnose each of these correctly, for they require very different approaches to treatment. Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, meaning it lasts a long time - possibly a lifetime. However. it won't cause damage to your joints, muscles, or internal organs.

The Basics of Fibromyalgia

The latest research indicates that fibromyalgia is a stress-related condition that is a cousin in Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (often referred to as simply 'lupus') and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In all three of these conditions, there is the same predominantly female distribution, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritable bowel, as well as many other similarities. You can think about these three conditions as lying on a continuum with Fibromyalgia on one end, Lupus on the other and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the middle. All three of these conditions are caused by an abnormal stress response in the body, but with Lupus, the immune system is primarily affected, causing an autoimmune reaction that attacks your healthy tissues. On the other end of the spectrum is fibromyalgia, where metabolic abnormalities are primary. These metabolic changes are the result of a stress-induced decrease in blood flow to an area of the brain called the pituitary. This, in turn causes a decrease in a number of important hormones, such as the growth hormone releasing hormone (somatotropin) and the thyroid stimulating hormone. These hormonal changes lead to abnormal muscle healing, borderline or full-blown hypothyroid, as well as memory and cognitive changes.

One of the major physical abnormalities that occurs with fibromyalgia lies in the muscle itself, where there is a build up of a protein called "Ground Substance." Ground substance is normally found in muscle, bone and connective tissue all over the body and is responsible for making the tissues stronger and less susceptible to tearing. In a normal person, when a muscle is injured, the muscle tissue itself is able to regenerate and over time, completely heal itself. In a person with fibromyalgia, the muscle is unable to completely heal itself. Instead, an abnormally large amount of ground substance builds up in the injured area. It is the ground substance, coupled with local muscle spasm it creates that creates the muscle 'knots' associated with fibromyalgia.

A number of tests may be done to rule out other disorders and an examination can reveal whether a person has the characteristic tender areas on the back of the neck, shoulders, sternum, lower back, hips, shins, elbows, or knees. Unlike its cousin lupus, there are currently no diagnostic laboratory tests for fibromyalgia. Because there are no clinical tests for fibromyalgia, some doctors, unfortunately, conclude that a patient's pain is not real, or they may tell them that there is little they can do. But a combination of chiropractic, trigger point therapy, and lifestyle changes has proven to be very effective in decreasing the severity and duration of the physical pain and disability of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia can be difficult to treat. Not all doctors are familiar with fibromyalgia and its treatment, so it is important to find a doctor who is. Fibromyalgia treatment often requires a team approach, utilizing chiropractic care, trigger point therapy, massage, dietary changes, as well as exercises and stretching.

Treating Fibromyalgia with Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is critical for those who suffer from fibromyalgia in order to keep the spine and muscles from losing too much movement. Because fibromyalgia causes the muscles to tighten up and lose some of their natural pliability, it results in a global loss of movement in the spine. The loss of movement in the spine results in a neurological reflex that causes the muscles to tighten further. This vicious cycle will continue and over time will lead to increased pain, increased muscle tightness, a loss of movement, more difficulty sleeping and the development of more and more trigger points.

The only option is to continually adjust the spine and keep it moving. It is not uncommon for those with fibromyalgia to be adjusted three to four times per month to keep everything mobile and relaxed. The biggest concern in treating people with fibromyalgia is that their muscles have a diminished healing ability. For this reason, chiropractic adjustments are usually modified slightly to be more gentle than normal. This helps to decrease the stress on all of the small supporting muscles of the spine, which can be easily injured. It is important when seeking chiropractic care, to make sure that the doctor is familiar with the muscular changes that occur with fibromyalgia so that they can adjust their treatment accordingly.

Treating Fibromyalgia with Trigger Point Therapy

The overwhelming characteristic of fibromyalgia is long-standing, body-wide pain with defined tender points, and frequently, trigger points. Trigger points are often confused with "tender points." They are not the same. A trigger point needs firm pressure to elicit pain, while tender points are painful with even very light pressure. Trigger points will refer pain to other areas of the body, whereas tender points will not. Unlike tender points, trigger points can occur in isolation and represent a source of radiating pain, even in the absence of direct pressure. As discussed earlier, trigger points are purely comprised of spasmed muscle fibers, whereas tender points are knots filled with ground substance. Those with fibromyalgia almost always have a combination of the two - trigger points and tender points - and can improve dramatically with light trigger point therapy.

Trigger point therapy for fibromyalgia is much like trigger point therapy for low back pain, neck pain or headaches. The points are the same. The difference is just intensity. Since the muscles in patients with fibromyalgia are easily injured and take longer to heal, it is necessary to use less pressure on their trigger points.

Treating Fibromyalgia with Cold Laser Therapy

Since poor healing of muscle tissue and chronic pain are characteristic traits of fibromyalgia, laser therapy is an important part of any treatment plan. Two of the major benefits of cold laser therapy is stimulation of tissue healing and decreased sensations of pain.

A 1997 study of 846 people with fibromyalgia reported in the Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine and Surgery demonstrated that two-thirds of the patients experienced improved pain and mobility with cold laser therapy. Another study published in Rheumatology International in 2002, showed that those who received laser therapy had a significant improvement in pain, fatigue and morning stiffness.

Self-Care for Fibromyalgia

Your day to day lifestyle choices have a tremendous impact on how much impact fibromyalgia will have on your life. The difference between those who take care of themselves and those who do not is tremendous. Those who make lifestyle changes to help their fibromyalgia suffer much less pain, are able to remain more active and have a much higher quality of life than those who do not. If you have fibromyalgia, here are some of the main things that you can do on a daily basis to help your body:

Getting Enough Good Sleep

-Getting enough sleep and the right kind of sleep can help ease the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia, but is something that can be hard to get. Many people with fibromyalgia have problems such as pain, restless legs syndrome and brain-wave irregularities that interfere with restful sleep. Insomnia is very common. Although alcohol may help you to relax, it is not recommended before bed as it has been shown to interfere with restful sleep. Some of those with fibromyalgia have found 5-hydroxy tryptophan (5-HTP) very helpful, as well as the prescription anti-depressant amitriptyline. Typically, we don't recommend taking perscritpion drugs, but in this case, it is difficult to heal without enough sleep.


- Improved fitness through exercise is recommended. Studies have shown that fibromyalgia symptoms can be relieved by aerobic exercise. Though pain and fatigue may make exercise and daily activities difficult, it's crucial to be as physically active as possible. The best way to begin a fitness program is to start with low impact exercises, like walking and swimming. Starting slowly helps stretch and mobilize tight, sore muscles. High-impact aerobics and weight lifting could cause increased discomfort, so pay attention to your body. The more you can exercise, the better off you will be.

Making Changes at Work

-Most people with fibromyalgia are able to continue working, but they may have to make big changes to do so. It may be necessary to reduce the number of hours at work, find a job that will allow you to have a flexible schedule, or switch to a less physically demanding job. Many people with fibromyalgia require specially designed office chairs, adjustable desks or other adaptations in order to continue working. If you face obstacles at work, such as an uncomfortable desk chair that leaves your back aching or difficulty lifting heavy boxes or files, your employer may make adaptations that will enable you to keep your job.

Eating Well

-Foods, just like anything else, have the ability to either stress your body or to help your body heal. Foods that tend to be stressful on the body include: dairy, eggs, wheat, corn, as well as anything with monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates or nitrites (as are found in processed foods). Several environmental toxins may also contribute to the overall physical stress on your body, therefore fish should be avoided as well. It is important that you eat as much clean, organically grown fresh foods as possible. Base your diet around whole foods such as: brown rice, legumes, oats, spelt, rice milk, soy, hormone-free chicken or turkey, roots, nuts and berries.

Nutritional Supplements

-There are dozens of nutritional products that claim to be 'the answer' for fibromyalgia. To date, none of them have proven to be of much long-term benefit for anyone. However, there are some people who have used magnesium malate with good results, some people who have used ginkgo biloba with good results and others with various herbals. The bottom line with nutritional supplements is that, to date, there is nothing that works for everyone. If you come across something that you would like to try, by all means do so, as long as you check it out with your chiropractor first to ensure that it won't interfere with any of your other treatment. Contact us today!


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